Cultural Italian American Organization 144 Genesee Street, Suite 102-240 Auburn, New York 13021
Cultural Italian American Organization144 Genesee Street, Suite 102-240Auburn, New York 13021



Wednesday, February 5, 2025

6:30 PM

Pasta and game night - LCR!

Annual membership dues can be paid at this meeting


Father Nacca Hall, 303 Clark Street

Auburn, NY


Meetings are typically held the 

1st Wednesday of the month. 


Membership Information here

Most recent newsletter available here


Questions? Email

or use the Contact link.


Buon Natale 2024


Another wonderful Buon Natale party on December 7, 2024 at Osteria! 

Congratulations to 2024's

Christopher Columbus Honoree,

retired Cayuga County Clerk Sue Dwyer

Auburn legend Grace Daloia received the Christopher Columbus Recogntion Award

at this year's Christopher Colmbus dinner.




Congratulations to this year's scholarship winners! To see the winners and read their essays, visit our Scholarship page!

Membership Dues 

Annual membership dues are $25/person, $40 couple. Please mail your check payable to CIAO to 144 Genesee Street, Suite 102-240, Auburn, NY 13021.




Carosello Italiano

Every Sunday from 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon, tune in to WDWN 89.1 FM or 99.7 on the radio, or visit to stream live audio of Host Paolo Saltarello as he offers a variety of Italian American melodies and classic American songs in Italian.


The program also includes sharing information on Italian culture, including historical stories of Italian American pioneers to present day stories of men and women in political life, industry, the financial market and more. Call in number during the show is 315-253-0449.




"C.I.A.O.", the Cultural Italian American Organization, was formed to promote and enhance Italian American Heritage and Culture in Cayuga County, located in the Finger Lakes region of New York state.C.I.A.O.'s motto is culture and caritas (charity) and to recognize Italian American achievements in our community.


We have grown and hosted several successful events since our first official meeting in June, 2014. We will continue to host different traditional events during the year ahead, and invite you to join our group!


We are also on Facebook; Like our page below for updates.



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© Cayuga County CIAO